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Reading the painting series of Zhang Xuan "Lady of the Guo State on a Spring Outing"



Painting of Lady Guo State on a Spring Excursion by Tang Dynasty painter Zhang Xuan 。The original has been lost, the extant is a copy of Song Dynasty, painted on silk. Due to the misjudgment of Emperor Wanyanjing, the title is a copy of Emperor Huizong of Song. It is now stored in Liaoning Provincial Museum。

Spring excursion was an open social custom of the Tang Dynasty, which was celebrated on the third day of March every year。In order to let people have a good place to spend the spring, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty made the "Qujiang Pond" renovated, making it a blooming flowers and flowers, smoke and water bright tourist resort。Every March third, women, especially aristocratic women, come here to visit。The lady of the Guo State, who liked to be lively, naturally did not lose this opportunity and came with her sisters。


Painting of Lady Guo State on a Spring Excursion by Tang Dynasty painter Zhang Xuan 。The original has been lost, the extant is a copy of Song Dynasty, painted on silk. Due to the misjudgment of Emperor Wanyanjing, the title is a copy of Emperor Huizong of Song. It is now stored in Liaoning Provincial Museum。

Spring excursion was an open social custom of the Tang Dynasty, which was celebrated on the third day of March every year。In order to let people have a good place to spend the spring, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty made the "Qujiang Pond" renovated, making it a blooming flowers and flowers, smoke and water bright tourist resort。Every March third, women, especially aristocratic women, come here to visit。The lady of the Guo State, who liked to be lively, naturally did not lose this opportunity and came with her sisters。


The painting depicts a group of horses carrying whips,Visitors walking slowly,The first is the middle-aged from the prison (said men's riders should be female: through the yarn of the head,You can see the bun,Sideburns are long strands of hair,This is female sideburns),The second is a young girl riding on a green horse, Black hair parted side to side,Put your hair in two long buns,This was the general hairstyle of ladies at that time。After the girl left, another middle-aged man on a black steed accompanied him from prison。The three sparse horses became the leader, followed by the five surrounded horses, the first two of which were the sisters of Lady Guo State。And they rode together, and rode on pale yellow and strong monkeys。Madame Guo is in the center of the painting, holding the REINS with both hands, and the riding crop hanging between the fingers of her right hand hangs down in a straight line。On the left of the Lady of the Guo State was the lady of the Republic of Korea. Her dress was just like that of the lady of the Guo State, but the color was different。She approached Madame Guo State to make a complaint。After the lady sisters of the Guo State, they were mounted by three guards。In the middle is the old man, his right hand to protect the young girl in front of the saddle, his expression is reserved, and his eyes reveal a cautious expression。Young girl left hand to hold the saddle bridge, attitude is very peaceful。The middle-aged man on his right side was also a prisoner, wearing the same clothes as the first prisoner。The left red girl costume is similar to the second riding girl。


The value of Lady Guo on a Spring Outing lies not only in its superb skills and its vivid depiction of the real historical figures and customs, but also in the fact that it shows the style of a great art era and the spirit of that era from a specific Angle。Before Zhang Xuan, there were few figure paintings dedicated to women, and Gu Kaizhi's Admonitions of Women's History type paintings were mostly propaganda of feudal morality。It can be seen that Zhang Xuan takes women in real life as the subject matter, which has certain progressive significance and great influence on later generations。

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